The Western Cape Department of Agriculture (WCDoA) received a silver award during the Premier’s Award ceremony for their outstanding performance in successfully rolling out their ‘One Home One Garden’ campaign. This follows after the WCDoA encouraged every household to have a food garden to enable them to contribute towards their families’ food security as part of the COVID-19 response in 2020.
Food production units, in the form of vegetable gardens or a chicken house, were delivered and set up by Casidra, as the implementing company for the WCDoA, to render all necessary support timeously.
This initiative, led by Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, Dr Ivan Meyer, in the forefront, gained momentum across the Province with a total of 7144 beneficiaries who received support to the value of R9 million during the 2020/21 financial year.
Commenting on the ‘One Home One Garden’ Initiative, Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, Dr Ivan Meyer, said; “Through our food security and humanitarian response, the Western Cape Department of Agriculture supports access to affordable and diverse food. By encouraging communities and households to establish food gardens, we are shifting the focus from food relief to food security”.
Congratulations to our Food Security teams and thank you for constantly flying the WCDoA’s and Casidra’s flags high!
“The goal is to assist households to produce enough food to meet basic household food security needs throughout the year. Income can be earned from the selling of surplus produce. Home gardening is also relaxing and stimulating during this difficult period. During my visits to these home gardens, I witnessed team work, joy and fun in the families. Through these food gardens we are seeing #ForTheLoveOfAgriculture in action on the ground in various communities” concluded Meyer.