Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000
Section 51(1), within 6 months of the commencement of this Act, the head of a private body must compile a manual containing:
[Extension has been granted until February 2003]
(a) The postal and street addresses, phone and fax numbers and, if available, the e-mail address of the head of the body.
(b) A description of the guide referred to in Subsection 10 and how to obtain access to it.
[Subsection 10 provides that the Human Rights Commission will publish a guide in each official language:
- What the objects of the Act are
- The details of each private body
- The process that needs to be followed in order to make a request
- How to obtain copies of the guide at no charge
- How to gain access to a manual of a private body
- All the remedies available to you]
(c) The latest notice in terms of Section 52(2) regarding the categories of record of the body which are available without a person having to request access in terms of the Act. [In terms of Section 52(2) the minister must publish in the GG any description so submitted, and update any description so submitted of categories of record that are available without a person having to request access in terms of the Act.]
(d) A description of the records which are available in terms of other legislation. (Example of records in terms of other legislation: Income Tax Act, Companies Act, Unemployment Insurance Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Act)
(e) Sufficient detail to facilitate a request for access to a record of the body, a description of the subjects on which the body holds records and the categories of records held on each subject.
Example Company Secretarial:
Company Statutes
Minutes of meetings
(f) Such other information as may be prescribed.
Casidra (PTY) LTD
Reg. no 1973/006186/07
Manual prepared in accordance with Section 51 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (The ACT)
1. Information required in terms of Section 51 (1)( a) of the Act:
Information Officer: Experience Matshediso
Street Address
22 Louws Avenue
Suider Paarl
Postal Address
P O Box 660
Suider Paarl
Tel no: 021- 8635000
Fax no: 021- 8631055
E- mail address:
2. Information required in terms of Section 51 (1) (b) of the Act:
Section 51(1) (b) of the Act calls for a description of the guide referred to in Subsection 10 of the Act, if available, and how to access it. The guide referred to in Section 10 is a guide that must be compiled by the Human Rights Commission containing such information as may reasonably be required by a person who wishes to exercise any right contemplated in the Act. Any enquiries regarding this guide should be directed to:
The South African Human Rights Commission:
Private Bag x 2700
Tel: (011) 484-8300
Fax: (011) 484-1360
Website: www.
3. Information required in terms Section 51(1)(c) :
No Subsection 52 (2) notice has yet been published by the minister.
4. Information required in terms Section 51 (1 ) ( d) of the Act:
- The company keeps records in accordance with the following legislation:
- Companies Act 61 of 1973
- Income Tax Act 58 of 1962
- Value added Tax Act 89 of 1991
- Labour Relations Act 66 of 1955
- Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75of 1997
- Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998
- Skills Development Levies Act 97 of 1998
- Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993
- Unemployment Insurance Act 4 of 2002
- Public Finance Management Act
5. Accessing a record held by Casidra
A person requesting information must:
- Use the prescribed form to make such a request.
- Make the request to the information officer of Casidra.
- Provide sufficient detail on the request to enable identification of the record and the requester.
- Indicate the form of access required.
- Indicate the right he or she is seeking to exercise and provide an explanation as to why the requested record is necessary for the protection of such right.
- If a request is made on behalf of another person, indicate and submit proof of the capacity in which the request is being made.
- Pay the prescribed request fee in terms of the Regulations of the Act.
- Await the decision of the information officer as to whether or not access will be granted. Such decision will be made in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
- Should access be granted, pay the prescribed access and reproduction fees as contained in the regulations of the Act.
Should access be denied, the requester may:
Lodge an application to court in terms of the Act.
6. Information required in terms of Section 51 (1) (e) of the Act:
The following are the subjects and categories of the records held :
- Documents of Incorporation
Company documents including the Memorandum of Association, the Articles of Association and any amendments thereto, registers, minute books, internal resolutions and share certificates. - Finance
Books of account, vouchers, invoices, fixed asset registers, inventories, annual financial statements, reports and returns. - Taxation
Records pertaining to VAT, Company Tax, STC, PAYE. - Insurance
Records relating to insurance agreements, policies and claims. - Moveable and Immovable Property
Title deeds, lease agreements, hire purchase agreements. - Agreements
Agreements in respect of licences, contracts. - Human Resources
Employee records, conditions of employment, payrolls, disciplinary records, internal policies and procedures, personnel files. - Operational
Technical, procurement and marketing information, correspondence, policies, procedures, management records, databases, banking records and legal proceedings. - Information Technology
Licences, software programmes, computer generated data basis and backups, project, disaster recovery and implementation plans. - Web Page
Casidra website is accessible to anyone@
7. Other Information as may be prescribed in terms of Section 51(1)(f)
Not applicable.
8. Availability of the Manual
The manual is also available for inspection at the offices of the company free of charge, and has been made available to the South African Human Rights Commission, the Government Gazette and on the company website.