Minister Meyer at Food Garden in Nduli


The Western Cape Government’s ‘One Home, One Garden’ Campaign is gaining momentum across the Province with a total of 1371 food gardens established over the past two months. 433 Gardens were established in the Metro with 123 of them being in Gugulethu. Other areas that have benefitted include Riversdale, Groot Brak, Thembalethu, Nduli, Bella Vista and DuNoon, amongst others.
Commenting on the ‘One Home, One Garden’ Initiative, Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, Dr Ivan Meyer, said: “One of my key priorities for agriculture is farmer support and development. The One Home, One Garden initiative is in line with our support for subsistence farmers”.

“Through our food security and humanitarian response, the Western Cape Department of Agriculture supports access to affordable and diverse food. By encouraging communities and households to establish food gardens, we are shifting the focus from food relief to food security”, adds Meyer.

Food production units come in the form of vegetable gardens or a chicken house, and Casidra, as the implementing agency for the WCDoA, gives all necessary support to ensure that all of these are set up and delivered on time.

Meyer continues that “A garden size of 20m² can provide salads, cabbage, onion, beetroot and beans during autumn and broccoli, spinach, carrots, turnip and peas during spring. Similarly, a chicken house consisting of four to six chickens provides a family with six to eight eggs per day and much needed protein.”

The WCDoA has contributed to the establishment of over 80 household food gardens through the distribution of starter packs consisting of 150 vegetable seedlings, fertiliser and advice on production practices such as planting, tending and harvesting of vegetables.

The WCDOA aims to develop a further 450 food gardens over the next few weeks targeting the Covid-19 Hotpots in the Province.

“The goal is to assist households to be able to produce enough food to meet basic household food security needs throughout the year. Income can be earned from the selling of surplus produce. Home gardening is also relaxing and stimulating during this difficult period. During my visits to these home gardens, I have witnessed team work, joy and fun in the families. Through these food gardens, we are seeing #ForTheLoveOfAgriculture in action on the ground in various communities” concluded Meyer.

PHOTO CAPTION: Minister Meyer at Food Garden in Nduli

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