Happy retirement

Happy retirement

Casidra is bidding farewell to one of its stalwarts, Johan Bronkhorst, Regional Manager at our George Office who is retiring at the end of September 2021 after 31 years of uninterrupted service. Johan was one of the first employees of Lanok in 1990 now Casidra.  He leaves behind a great legacy both within Casidra and amongst our various stakeholders with whom he worked for many years.  Johan provided excellent support to the various farms, i.e. Henkries, Jackalskraal, Anhalt, Amalienstein and Waaikraal, which were managed by first Lanok now Casidra over the years. He also managed the implementation of the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP) in the Southern Cape and Karoo regions with great dedication and passion. We thank Johan for his valuable contributions during his tenure with us and towards Casidra’s success.  Johan will be dearly missed for always being ethical and reliable. He is a great example of persistently adhering to and promoting Casidra’s values, and provides appropriate interpersonal leadership.  We wish him a  happy and well-deserved retirement!  Team Casidra!

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