Fertiliser spreader delivered to Shera farming
Shera Farming situated in St Helena Bay, West Coast is one our projects implemented by Casidra with Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme Funding from the Western Cape Department of Agriculture.
This project was established in 2017 by Yusuf Patel who is a passionate and committed social entrepreneur. The farm specialises in the breeding, rearing and selling of wholesome Halaal Merino lamb, mutton and related products to retailers, wholesalers, butcheries and restaurants.
Our Project Implementer, Mulalo Nemutudi, procured a fertiliser spreader for the farm to ensure the proper and balanced distribution of fertilisers.
The Farm Director, Yusuf Patel, and Farm Manager, Hishaam Albertyn, are grateful to the WCDoA and Casidra for the funding received and procurement of a brand new fertiliser spreader. May Shera Farming go from strength to strength!