Ashton Small-Scale Farmers Trust
Ashton Small-Scale Farmers’ Trust is a livestock farming project that has goats, sheep and chickens and is situated in the Bonnievale area in the Cape Winelands. This successful project, with its high growth potential, plans to expand its livestock to cattle. During its inception, project had 147 beneficiaries, 80 are currently active.
The WCDoA and Casidra contributed positively towards this project by assisting with the testing of five boreholes to determine the ground water quality and capacity, and the replacement of existing border fencing for cattle farming. The WCDoA provided financial assistance through its Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP).
According to Casidra’s Project Manager, Cynthia Lebenya, the expectations and objectives of this project were successfully implemented by Casidra.
Despite all the water shortages that this farming project initially faced, the beneficiaries did not lose hope. There was plenty of consultation and advice to determine what was viable for the farm. “The project is currently doing extremely well and the beneficiaries have applied for more funding so that they can purchase cattle”, said Lebenya.
The project leader of the beneficiaries, Mr Billy Xabela, signed the receipt of assets and positively responded by saying that they are very happy and will continue to make the project an ongoing success.