Achieving food security through private investment

Achieving food security through private investment

Casidra was amongst more than 800 attendees from 30+ countries at the 5th African Agri Investment Indaba held at the CTICC from 14-16 November 2022 where we exhibited our services and interacted with many international stakeholders within the Agricultural sector.

The Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, Dr Ivan Meyer, delivered the keynote address and emphasised that, the African Union recognises the critical role industrialisation can play in promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth. “Developing regional industrial value chains can create employment and entrepreneurial opportunities” says Minster Ivan Meyer.

This African Agri Investment Indaba created great opportunities to network relevant stakeholders from across the African continent.  There was a great interaction and sharing insights to create a strong brand awareness to potential investors and stakeholders.

We look forward to being part of this investment indaba in 2023 and to meet even more stakeholders for funding and building partnerships.

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